In Time: Undefeated

Here is more about the airship pirates from my Steampunk WIP. It’s continued from the last excerpt: Extra Strength.

“Captain Obediah Jeremiah! What an interesting surprise,” Captain Dedlock said. No pleasure could be found in his voice. “To what do I owe this visit?”

“I am here for the lass, Jonas.” His voice sounded as metallic as he appeared.

Captain Dedlock’s eyes squinted together. He did not like this. His orders were to deliver Viola unharmed but bound to Father Lee after the job was completed.

“No. I am under orders to release her to none save Lee. You are not Lee.”

Metallic fingers curled together. They disappeared into a pocket and pulled out a paper filled with fancy script. He handed it to Captain Dedlock.

Dear Jonas,

Thank you for your service. Your debt to me is paid. I am unavailable to meet you at this time so I have sent Obediah to collect the girl in my stead. He has the key to loosen the watch and release you from my custody. He will do so once he has secured the girl.

Until we meet again,

Desmond Lee


“Show it to me!” Captain Dedlock demanded.

Captain Jeremiah pulled a small key from the same pocket. It was secured to a small gold chain, which he let dangle enticingly in front of Jonas.

“It is yours in exchange for the girl.”

Something about this did not feel right to Captain Dedlock. He was loathe to give the girl to such a character as stood before him. He could tell by the way the other captain was looking her over that he had ill designs for her.

“And if I refuse?”

“Today would be your last day as captain of The Painted Mary. Your ship and crew would become mine.”

Viola saw the defeat in Captain Dedlock’s eyes. “Release me, Captain, and you have no despair!”

“No, lass, the only defeat today is mine. I cannot give my crew to this monster, and I have no proper means to defeat him. He is more machine than he is man! Not even your kind can subdue him!”

A spyglass shot out from Obediah’s left eye. “Her kind?” He chuckled as he let his eye linger on her body. “No, lass, feminine wiles do not work on me.” He banged his chest over his heart with his fleshy hand. It rang hollowly. “I have no heart, not even a cold one for you to warm. No, there’ll be no charming cries for parley with me, lass.” His spyglass slide smoothly back into his eye socket. “Let’s get this over with, shall we?”

Obediah reached for the girl, tossing the key in the air as he did. Captain Dedlock caught the key and in the same instance loosened the knot securing Viola’s hands. Flame shot from Obediah’s back as he lifted from the deck, Viola in tow. He laughed as he soared out of reach, stopping once at the top of the mast to look at the deck below him. Captain Dedlock stood there, gaping, Father Lee’s watch dangling from one hand.

“It was never a choice, Jonas. I would have taken her one way or another. You lived to see another day. Wise decision.”

To be continued…



I’m linking up with Stephanie Orges Inspiration Monday again, since the first thing I thought of with her “Undefeated” prompt was this captain. You should stop in and check out the other stories that link up. There’s some fantastic writing out there!

As always, I welcome your feedback, good or bad, especially since this is a work in progress that I plan to submit to a publisher once it’s completed.

Thanks for stopping in!

Have you heard the news? You can now have your own personal copy of my words on your bookshelf!


  1. Fun! Yes, something doesn’t feel right. Was the note a forgery? And what does the heartless cyborg want with Viola? Looking forward to next time. : )


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