Hither & Thither

I am more active on twitter these days, mostly because we are still in need of a social media manager  who knows what they are doing. As such, Linda of Inkitt has been tweeting me to join in their contests, so I did.

Introducing Hither & Thither, their current fantasy writing contest. I actually did put a little piece up there called “Most Unlikely Hero.”

The downside is this is win by vote contest, so you know what that means, right? PLEASE click the link, have a read, and click on the heart at the bottom to “recommend” my story. You never have to vote on it again.

You can also choose to leave a review of the story. It doesn’t do anything to help me win, but it would be nice to have your thoughts.

But, it would be really nice if you shared my story with your readers, fans, friends, and family, too. Contest ends August 10, so there is still time.

What say you? Will you PLEASE go heart Most Unlikely Hero for me?

I heart YOU. Thank you!!!

Oh, speaking of contests….the Eat Sleep Write Newsletter Contest ends in 2 days. There’s no entry fee, and 3 categories to suit all writing. The topic is “Summer.” Send your stuff in!! Don’t wait until the last minute!!


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