The Martyr

The day hailed bright and sunny, the white walls soaking up the cheerful sunshine, as they always did.. The pristine walkway would be crowded today as two soldiers marched in front of me, and two followed behind. They would push me hard and fast, my arms trapped behind my back, encased in steel, and chained to my feet, also bound by steel. If I stumbled, their feet would fly into my ribs.

I will face my executioner at the end of the long white walk, though my only sin was to fight for my country. I am a prisoner of war and today, I will die.


The object of the #FridayFictioneers prompt is to use the picture prompt provided and write a 100 word response to it. Here’s my take.

I welcome feedback. Please share your thoughts in a comment.

Thanks for stopping in!!


    • Yes, as it always is. Perhaps that location was chosen for the easy deception. You wouldn’t expect a prison there.


  1. I like the juxtaposition of his situation: being in a beautiful sunny place but about to endure a dark horrific end.

    I think there could be a way to accomplish the contrast without him specifically going through internal dialogue. It’s mainly that first line with this part “there was nothing cheerful about today, or yesterday, or tomorrow, for that matter”. I don’t think all that is really necessary.


  2. The combination of sun and dark shade seem to foreshadow the darkness of your story taking place in a sunny place and the darkness in the narrator as he (or she) looks forward to what will happen.


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