Trifextra: Thirsty

A glass  on your front porch, filled with tea, quenched my thirst. Then, a vase converted, holding our love’s first rose. It shattered when you left, becoming the tool that slit my wrists.


For the weekend Trifextra challenge, we were instructed to choose 1 object, in 33 words (exactly) tell us a story with three different uses for one object.

Obviously, I chose a glass, with a sinister ending (No surprises there, eh?). What did you think? Feel free to share your thoughts in a comment.

Thanks for stopping in!!


  1. I’ve been writing about breaking up a lot too, the hurt, the slow slide from love into depression or hate etc…this was a perfect ease from one emotion to another.
    Great job as always.


  2. Love it; You can see the start of the relationship blossom into love and great imagery to show the ending of the relationship…the ending is dark but I like it 🙂


  3. I didn’t expect the ending at all. With all of these, I start off thinking, Oh, yeah. And then use two comes up and I think, “OK that follows”. And with this one, use three zinged me totally. Completely surprised. Awesome.


  4. Oh Steph…I love your writing, this was fantastic…and haunting..could see the red of the rose and the blood….it turns the colr of tea. Wow!!!!!! Such great images!!! Xo


  5. awesome

    You know I love dark and gritty and emo. This was amazing. i didn’t think of it as a twist. I thought it just was gradual decline into nadmess. well done mama


  6. Nicely done Sam.

    I just wonder if you should switch out “your love’s” with “our love’s”. I think that sounds better and works with how you have referred to the glass initially. Oh and I don’t think you need the comma after “A glass”. 🙂


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