Written in Blood

I write because otherwise I’d have no explanation for all the voices in my head. I was born with a pen and paper in my hand. Without my words, I am soulless,  incomplete.

This 33 word response is inspired by Trifextra. They asked us why we write. This is my answer. Tell me, why do you write?

Looking for a NaNo update? I’m 4,290 words in, and on Chapter 5. The story is currently moving smoothly. I am taking my time developing each scene, closing my eyes and putting the image in my head to words on the page for you, and so far it is working. How’s NaNo going for you?

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  1. OK…third time’s the charm? Commenting is not working today.

    I love your stories…thank goodness you listen to those voices and use that pen…every one of your words feels like a surprise and gift to me.


  2. I loved this entry, brilliant! I ahve 4020 words in NANO so far. I haven’t finished a year yet, but this year is the farthest that I have gotten so far.


  3. I write for a lot of reasons. Writing has always been the best way for me to process what is going on in my life or the world around me. I write to record things that have happened so that I can look back on them later. I started journaling when I was about 12 years old and as I got older, I began blogging. Sometimes I write because I’m very opinionated and sometimes because there is a topic I passionately wish to share information about. I suppose, in a way, writing is my way of reaching out and connecting to the rest of the world.


Here's YOUR write side. Fill it up!